There are many studies about exercise for mental health and the role of physical activity on mental health and wellbeing. These show that exercise reduces anxiety and depression, improves cognitive function and improves sleep quality. And that’s just some of its benefits. In my work as a coach and a facilitator, I find it’s not always the lack of knowledge that is a barrier to moving more, but what many people struggle with is establishing healthy habits that stick. We may have good intentions but how do we ensure these intentions turn into regular practice?
5 Tips for Strengthening Mind-Body Connection During Times of Stress
Gemma shares 5 great tips for how we can cultivate positive emotions, practice #mindfulness, and adopt #healthy coping strategies to help mitigate the impact of stress on both mind and body.
Financial Wellbeing - Top Tips for reducing debt
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (unless it makes you sweat!)
Stress Awareness for Leaders
Stress awareness for leaders. As a leader you are a role model, your people will be looking at you for cues on how to behave under pressure. You set the standards of what is expected and accepted. So, if you want your teams to be able to perform well under pressure, to be productive and healthy you have to show them how it is done!