MHAW 2024 “move for mental health” Easy and Quick ways to add more movement into your day

MHAW 2024 “move for mental health”           Easy and Quick ways to add more movement into your day

Supporting your employees to make small changes, like moving more, to their daily habits has a powerful cumulative effect over time. Whether the habits are physical, mental, behavioural or emotional our habits shape our experience, satisfaction and performance. If you’d like to help your employees form effective habits for their wellbeing, ask us about our wellbeing programmes.

Our associate team member and personal trainer, Heather Husmer shares an easy way to introduce more movement into your day, with “Snack workouts”

Move for Mental health - Top Tips for helping habits stick.

Move for Mental health - Top Tips for helping habits stick.

There are many studies about exercise for mental health and the role of physical activity on mental health and wellbeing. These show that exercise reduces anxiety and depression, improves cognitive function and improves sleep quality. And that’s just some of its benefits. In my work as a coach and a facilitator, I find it’s not always the lack of knowledge that is a barrier to moving more, but what many people struggle with is establishing healthy habits that stick. We may have good intentions but how do we ensure these intentions turn into regular practice?